Abstract:The Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) numerical simulation method in the finite element software Abaqus is used to analyze the bearing characteristics of a jack-up stable pile platform in Qidong sea area of Jiangsu Province. The results show that: CEL numerical simulation method can effectively simulate the whole process of the penetration of the pile into the stratum, and reveal the soil density evolution rule in the process of pile penetration; CEL numerical simulation result is basically consistent with the characteristic curve of the pile bearing capacity obtained in the Code for Marine Well Site Investigation; it is recommended that the safe penetration depth of the pile foundation is 10 m, which is located in soil layer ②-2 and silty clay layer, in this case, the bearing capacity of the pile foundation obtained by the theoretical and numerical analysis is 4.0 MN. The results can provide theoretical support for the safe operation of the jack-up stable pile platform in Qidong sea area, Jiangsu Province.